Fulcher LJ, Sobajima T, Gibbs-Seymour I, Barr FA. (2023) MDM2 acts as a timer reporting the length of mitosis. bioRxiv.
Sharma AB, Ramlee MK, Kosmin J, Higgs MR, Wolstenholme A, Ronson GE, Jones D, Ebner D, Shamkhi N, Sims D, Wijnhoven PWG, Forment JV, Gibbs-Seymour I, Lakin ND. (2023) C16orf72/HAPSTR1/TAPR1 functions with BRCA1/Senataxin to modulate replication-associated R-loops and confer resistance to PARP disruption. Nature Communications.
Foster B, Attwood M, Chong K, Drake M, Gilroy R, Fournier M, Gibbs-Seymour I. (2023) The RPA complex orchestrates K63-linked deubiquitination via ZUP1. bioRxiv.
Foster B*, Attwood M*, Gibbs-Seymour I. (2021) Tools for Decoding Ubiquitin Signaling in DNA Repair. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.
Prokhorova E, Zobel F, Smith R, Zentout S, Gibbs-Seymour I, Schützenhofer K, Peters A, Groslambert J, Zorzini V, Agnew T, Brognard J, Nielsen ML, Ahel D, Huet S, Suskiewicz MJ, Ahel I. (2021) Serine-linked PARP1 auto-modification controls PARP inhibitor response. Nature Communications.
Kwasna D, Abdul Rehman SA, Natarajan J, Matthews S, Madden R, De Cesare V, Weidlich S, Virdee S, Ahel I, Gibbs-Seymour I# and Kulathu Y#. (2018) Discovery and Characterization of ZUFSP/ZUP1, a Distinct Deubiquitinase Class Important for Genome Stability. Molecular Cell.
Schuller M, Mautner K, Gibbs-Seymour I, Uth K, Sieg C, Gehring AP, Ahel I, Bracher F, Kessler BM, Elkins JM, Knapp S. (2017) Discovery of a selective macrodomain inhibitor targeting PARP14 macrodomain 2. ACS Chemical Biology.
Bonfiglio JJ, Fontana P, Zhang Q, Colby T, Gibbs-Seymour I, Atanassov I, Bartlett E, Zaja R, Ahel I, Matic I. (2017) Serine ADP-ribosylation depends on HPF1. Molecular Cell.
Staples CJ, Barone G, Myers KN, Ganesh A, Gibbs-Seymour I, Patil AA, Beveridge RD, Daye C, Beniston R, Maslen S, Ahel I, Skehel JM, Collis SJ. (2016) MRNIP/C5orf45 interacts with the MRN complex and contributes to the DNA damage response. Cell Reports.
Gibbs-Seymour I, Fontana P, Rack JG, Ahel I. (2016) HPF1/C4orf27 is a PARP-1 interacting protein that regulates PARP-1 activity. Molecular Cell.
Gibbs-Seymour I, Oka Y, Rajendra E, Weinert B, Passmore L, Patel K J, Olsen J V, Choudary C, Bekker-Jensen S, Mailand N. (2015) Ubiquitin-SUMO circuitry controls activated Fanconi Anemia ID complex dosage at sites of DNA damage. Molecular Cell.
Gibbs-Seymour I, Mailand N. (2015) SLX4: Not SIMply a nuclease scaffold? Molecular Cell.
Gibbs-Seymour I, Markiewicz E, Bekker-Jensen S, Mailand N, Hutchison C. (2015) Lamin A/C-dependent interaction with 53BP1 promote cellular responses to DNA damage. Aging Cell.
Mailand N, Gibbs-Seymour I, Bekker-Jensen S. (2013) Regulation of PCNA-protein interactions for genome stability. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.
Mosbech A*, Gibbs-Seymour I*, Kagias K, Thorslund T, Beli P, Povlsen L, Nielsen SV, Smedegaard S, Sedgwick G, Lukas C, Hartmann-Petersen R, Lukas J, Choudhary C, Pocock R, Bekker-Jensen S, Mailand N. (2012) DVC1/C1orf124 is a DNA damage-targeting VCP/p97 adaptor that promotes ubiquitin dependent responses to replication blocks. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.
Pekovic V*, Gibbs-Seymour I*, Markiewicz E, Alzoghaibi F, Benham AM, Edwards R, Wenhert M, von Zglinicki T, Hutchison CJ. (2011) Conserved cysteine residues in the mammalian lamin A tail are essential for cellular responses to ROS generation. Aging Cell.
(* joint first authorship, # joint last authorship)